Friday, January 27, 2012

How to install on linux

When we trying to install the flash player for your linux operating system, we download file but we do know where to put this file.

This article guild you step by step to install the flash player for linux.

Step 1: Go to Adobe website and download you suitable version of flash player 32-bit/64bit . Then extract it to File.

Step 2:
cd to the folder has file and install
  • If you are using FireFox:
  • sudo mv /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/
  • If you are using Google Chrome + Firefox
sudo mv /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins/
    sudo mkdir /opt/google/chrome/plugins
    sudo cp /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/ 

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Basic Linux Commands

*) How to extract tr.gz. file
To extract one or more members from an archive :
             tar -zxvf {file.tar.gz}

For example, If your tar name is backup.tar.gz, enter the following at a shell prompt:
             tar -zxvf backup.tar.gz

*) How to run .bin file

Change the permission of the file you downloaded to be executable. Type the following command:
              $ chmod +x file.bin

Start the installation process or run .bin file.Type the following command:

For example if .bin file name is application.bin. Type:
        $ chmod +x application.bin
        $ ./application.bin

*) How to set a BASH variable equal to the output from a command?

Use $(), which I find easier to read, and allows for nesting.
        OUTPUT=$(ls -1) echo $OUTPUT

*) How to read IP Address In a Shell Script

Type the following command:

ifconfig | grep 'inet addr:'| grep -v '' | cut -d: -f2 | awk '{ print $1}'

*) How to find out particular ProcessId
                  ps -ef | grep processname
                  eg: ps -ef | grep mysql

*) How to display Line number from a file
          sed -n "linenumber p" file.txt
          sed -n "3 p" file1.txt

*) How to check Hidden file
          ls -a

*) How to check port
         netstat -tulpn

*) How to find directory on linux?
        find / -name 'httpdocs' -type d

the first parameter "/" is where to look, in this case "/" it's the entire system.
-name could be -iname to ignore case also -type is not mandatory
use : man find for more option

*) How to check free RAM size ?
                  free -m

*) How to clear cache memory ? 
        echo 1 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches

*) How to check linux version
              cat /proc/version

*) How to check which all service is running ?
                   intictl list 
For a particular service
                   intictl list | grep nova

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

How to Set JAVA_HOME / PATH variables Under Linux

After installing Java Development Kit on Linux/Unix, you may still need to do some configuration to get Java ready for running or compiling Java programs. The following instruction will guide you through the process of setting up JDK for software development.

In Linux, ~/.bash_profile is a startup script which generally runs once. This particular file is used for commands which run when the normal user logs in. Common uses for .bash_profile are to set environment variables such as PATH, JAVA_HOME, to create aliases for shell commands, and to set the default permissions for newly created files.

Set JAVA_HOME / PATH for single user

Login to your account and open .bash_profile file
$ cd $HOME
$ vi ~/.bash_profile

Set PATH and JAVA_HOME as follows:

Note: Don't delete the previous PATH, Just append the jdk path after : like "/usr/jdk1.6.0_30/bin" as above .

export PATH
export JAVA_HOME

Save and close the file. Just logout and login back to see new changes:
$ echo $JAVA_HOME
$ echo $PATH

Tip: Use the following command to find out exact path to which java executable under UNIX / Linux:
$ which java

How to set JAVA PATH on Windows

How TOPT Works: Generating OTPs Without Internet Connection

Introduction Have you ever wondered how authentication apps like RSA Authenticator generate One-Time Passwords (OTPs) without requiring an i...