Steps to connect to
your database
using Server Explorer in Visual Studio
You can connect to either localDb((localdb)\v11.0) or SQL Express (./SQLEXPRESS), In my case I am connecting to SQLEXPRESS which is hosted my machine(MYNA) so the name will be “MYNA\SQLEXPRESS” and then select your existing database or you can define new database which will get created.
- Open
Visual Studio, Select View → Server Explorer
- Right
Click on Data Connections and select Add Connection...
You can connect to either localDb((localdb)\v11.0) or SQL Express (./SQLEXPRESS), In my case I am connecting to SQLEXPRESS which is hosted my machine(MYNA) so the name will be “MYNA\SQLEXPRESS” and then select your existing database or you can define new database which will get created.
Once you are done , You can check the database in the Server Explorer